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Autore Topic: Joomla Component Kunena SQL Injection Vulnerability  (Letto 1834 volte)

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Joomla Component Kunena SQL Injection Vulnerability
« il: 12 Feb 2011, 12:06:39 »
Joomla Component Kunena < 1.5.14 e < 1.6.3 SQL Injection Vulnerability.

La presunta vulnerabilità colpisce le versioni precedenti dei due rami di sviluppo del noto componente di forum.
Si consiglia di aggiornare sempre all'ultima versione e, se si usa ancora la versione 1.5.x, si consiglia di pianificare la migrazione alla versione 1.6.x

Codice: [Seleziona]
Vendor/Product: Kunena
Vulnerable Versions: < 1.5.14; < 1.6.3
Vulnerability Type: SQL Injection & information leakage
Risk level: High
Vulnerability Details:
Because parameterized queries were not used, and adequate input
sanitization was not done on the catids parameter on the advanced search
page, it is possible for an attacker to run limited SQL commands on the
Furthermore, when exploited with invalid SQL, it provides the full
stacktrace.  This gives the attacker the exact version of Kunena, PHP,
and MySQL along with path to  This path often
starts with /home/username which discloses the username, which can then
be used to launch further attacks.  This can not be disabled in the
1.5.x branch, in 1.6.x branch it can be disabled via "display_errors = off".
If using the 1.5.x branch, upgrade to 1.5.14 and consider moving to the
1.6.x branch.
If using the 1.6.x branch, upgrade to 1.6.3 and set "display_errors =
off" to mitigate any damage for potential future issues
Proof of Concept:


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