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Autore Topic: Comp. attachment conflitto con plugin System - jFap  (Letto 3196 volte)

Offline joefranz

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Comp. attachment conflitto con plugin System - jFap
« il: 15 Giu 2011, 11:18:39 »
Buongiorno a tutti, da qualche giorno ho problemi con il Componente attachment .

In particolare quando inserisco un allegato lato frontend se compilo la voce descrizione una volta pubblicato l'articolo la voce resta vuota.
Da back end questo non accade.
Ho però bisogno che funzioni lato front end per problemi di autorizzazioni.

Prima funzionava.

A qualcuno di voi è capitato?

« Ultima modifica: 15 Giu 2011, 18:34:19 da joefranz »

Offline joefranz

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Re:Componente attachment
« Risposta #1 il: 15 Giu 2011, 18:33:14 »
Ho provato a disabilitare il plugin  System - jFap e tutto è tornato alla normalità


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Re:Componente attachment
« Risposta #2 il: 15 Giu 2011, 19:08:09 »
Ho provato a disabilitare il plugin  System - jFap e tutto è tornato alla normalità


Prova a cambiare le righe 37 e 38 in:

        $dc_desc_regexp = '#<meta name="description"#';
        $dc_desc_replace = '<meta name="DC.Description"'; - soluzioni open source
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Offline joefranz

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Re:Comp. attachment conflitto con plugin System - jFap
« Risposta #3 il: 16 Giu 2011, 10:02:07 »
Ciao Elpaso ho contattato l'autore del componente Jonathan Cameron e mi ha fornito dapprima la tua stessa soluzione poi mi ha scritto un'altra mail che allego.

Appena posso provo le soluzioni proposte grazie.


I took a look at your site and was able to confirm that the problem is due to the jFap system plugin.  I'm not sure what else the jFap plugin does but one thing it does do is change any occurrence of:




Which does not correspond to the correct name for the description field when the form is processed, so the changes to the description are lost, as you noticed.

You have several options:

Give up on jFap (perhaps there are other xhtml cleanup plugins?  I do not know.   I think some Joomla themes are xhtml compliant without any plugin.  You will have to do some research...)

Contact the jFap folks and ask for a fix.  My guess is that they want to change the meta description item in the HTML head.  But their search/replace changes it everywhere.  I do not think it would be too hard to change their code to limit the search and replace of name="desription" to the <head> part of the page or to make the regular expression involved more specific.  Then this problem would not exist.  I think that this change is too broad and could cause problems in other extensions!   

Change the descriptions in the back end
I updated the Attachments extension to my latest un-released version that has small fixes for the Mootools upgrade plugin.   If you have any difficulties with it, let me know.  You should be able to reinstall the released 2.2 version to revert without affecting your existing attachements.

Good luck and let me know what you decide.

« Ultima modifica: 16 Giu 2011, 10:03:41 da joefranz »

Offline elpaso66

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Re:Comp. attachment conflitto con plugin System - jFap
« Risposta #4 il: 16 Giu 2011, 14:04:43 »
Ciao Elpaso ho contattato l'autore del componente Jonathan Cameron e mi ha fornito dapprima la tua stessa soluzione poi mi ha scritto un'altra mail che allego.

Appena posso provo le soluzioni proposte grazie.


I took a look at your site and was able to confirm that the problem is due to the jFap system plugin.  I'm not sure what else the jFap plugin does but one thing it does do is change any occurrence of:




Which does not correspond to the correct name for the description field when the form is processed, so the changes to the description are lost, as you noticed.

You have several options:

Give up on jFap (perhaps there are other xhtml cleanup plugins?  I do not know.   I think some Joomla themes are xhtml compliant without any plugin.  You will have to do some research...)

Contact the jFap folks and ask for a fix.  My guess is that they want to change the meta description item in the HTML head.  But their search/replace changes it everywhere.  I do not think it would be too hard to change their code to limit the search and replace of name="desription" to the <head> part of the page or to make the regular expression involved more specific.  Then this problem would not exist.  I think that this change is too broad and could cause problems in other extensions!   

Change the descriptions in the back end
I updated the Attachments extension to my latest un-released version that has small fixes for the Mootools upgrade plugin.   If you have any difficulties with it, let me know.  You should be able to reinstall the released 2.2 version to revert without affecting your existing attachements.

Good luck and let me know what you decide.


Mi pare che la soluzione sia la stessa che ti ho detto io.

Se fai come ti ho detto dovrebbe funzionare.

Me lo confermi così lo cambio nel codice ? - soluzioni open source
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