* @version $Id: mod_components.php 310 2005-10-02 11:17:00Z stingrey $
* @package Joomla
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
* @license
http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
// no direct access
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
// cache some acl checks
$canConfig = $acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'config', 'users', $my->usertype );
$manageTemplates = $acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'manage', 'users', $my->usertype, 'components', 'com_templates' );
$manageLanguages = $acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'manage', 'users', $my->usertype, 'components', 'com_languages' );
$installModules = $acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'install', 'users', $my->usertype, 'modules', 'all' );
$editAllModules = $acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'edit', 'users', $my->usertype, 'modules', 'all' );
$installComponents = $acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'install', 'users', $my->usertype, 'components', 'all' );
$editAllComponents = $acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'edit', 'users', $my->usertype, 'components', 'all' );
$canMassMail = $acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'manage', 'users', $my->usertype, 'components', 'com_massmail' );
$canManageUsers = $acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'manage', 'users', $my->usertype, 'components', 'com_users' );
$count = intval( $params->def( 'count', 10 ) );
$query = "SELECT *"
. "\n FROM #__components"
. "\n ORDER BY ordering, name"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$comps = $database->loadObjectList(); // component list
$subs = array(); // sub menus
// first pass to collect sub-menu items
foreach ($comps as $row) {
if ($row->parent) {
if (!array_key_exists( $row->parent, $subs )) {
$subs[$row->parent] = array();
} // if
$subs[$row->parent][] = $row;
} // if
} // foreach
<table class="adminlist">
<th class="title">
if ( $task == 'listcomponents' ) {
$topLevelLimit = 10000;
} else {
$topLevelLimit = $count;
$i = 0;
$z = 0;
foreach ($comps as $row) {
if ( $editAllComponents | $acl->acl_check( 'administration', 'edit', 'users', $my->usertype, 'components', $row->option ) ) {
if ($row->parent == 0 && (trim( $row->admin_menu_link ) || array_key_exists( $row->id, $subs ))) {
if ($i >= $topLevelLimit) {
if ($i == $topLevelLimit) {
<table width="100%" class="adminlist">
<td align="center" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">
<a href="index2.php?option=com_admin&task=listcomponents">Lista completa componenti[/url]
$i = 1000;
} // if
} else {
<table width="50%" class="adminlist" border="1">
if ($i < $topLevelLimit ) {
$name = htmlspecialchars( $row->name, ENT_QUOTES );
// $alt = htmlspecialchars( $row->admin_menu_alt, ENT_QUOTES );
if ($row->admin_menu_link) {
echo '<a href="index2.php?'.htmlspecialchars($row->admin_menu_link,ENT_QUOTES).'"><strong>'.$name.'</strong>[/url]
} else {
<?php echo $name; ?>
} // if else
if (array_key_exists( $row->id, $subs )) {
foreach ($subs[$row->id] as $sub) {//print_r($row);
<ul style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 20px; margin: 0px;">
$name = htmlspecialchars( $sub->name );
// $alt = htmlspecialchars( $sub->admin_menu_alt );
// $link = $sub->admin_menu_link ? "" : "null";
// $img = $sub->admin_menu_img ? "<img src=\"../includes/$sub->admin_menu_img\" />" : '';
if ($sub->admin_menu_link) {
<?php echo '<a href="index2.php?'.htmlspecialchars($sub->admin_menu_link, ENT_QUOTES).'">'.$name.'[/url]
'; ?>
} else {
<?php echo $name; ?>
} // if else
} // foreach
} // if
} // if
} // if else
} // if
} // if
} // foreach