ecco mi pare che sia questo il testo originale.
This project tries give to Joomla! 1.5.x a power to load newest Ajax/Web2.0 JS libraries and allow us to use their fantastics features and possibilites,they can be together or not, and brings a way to avoid conflicts between components, modules, mambots and templates that use jQuery, Prototype, Scriptaculous, YUI-ext or MooTools, and mainly when using these libs together.
The famous jQuery JS library is diferent from all others libraries. jQuery is a new type of Javascript library. It is not a huge, bloated framework promising the best in AJAX - nor is it just a set of needlessly complex enhancements.
This system mambot allows 3rd party mambo developers the ability to use by a standard way jQuery 1.1.x and plugins and another great libs. This allows ability to write stunning applications that incorporate the jQuery Core and their plugins functionality without having to distribute jQuery along with their components and also prevents conflicts between multiple jQuery applications.
jQuery have a addon feature, we can export PHP functions and var/objects direct to javascript code, allowing loading together libraries, before content.
*Tested on Joomla!1.5 SVN revision 6297
v1.1b Features
* Allows multiple components to register their PHP Function names to jQuery object before the JS is written out.
* Allow Dynamic Loading (Lazy loading) - load jquery joomla compoment extension on demand
* Allow load multiple jQuery plugins
* Allow load Prototype JS lib together jQuery
* Allow load Scriptaculous+Prototype JS lib
* Allow load Mootools JS lib
* Allow load Yahoo!UI Extensions JS lib together jQuery
* Allow define which extensions force load on all pages