Allora... come Lightbox non ho trovato nulla... ma qualcosa di similmente adattato... LightThumb
Di seguito quelllo che bisogna fare per l'installazione ed il funzionamento:
A feature-rich replacement for the MOS Image Mambot.
* Generate thumbnails of images that exceed a defined size.
* Optionally popup a LightBox window to the full size image.
* Add captions below or above Images.
* Group LightBox images as a LightBox gallery.
* Hide thumbnails of images in a larger LigthBox gallery.
* Override global settings with arguments in {mosimage}-tags.
LightThumb is based on mosThumb and uses the javascripts of LightBox.
After installation of LigthThumb, you will have to unpublish the MOS Image Mambot in the admin section and add the following lines to your template, between the <head> tags:
<?php include("$mosConfig_live_site/mambots/content/lightThumb/lightthumb_inc.php");?>
Insert {mosimage} tags to your Joomla content and attach images to each of them. To group images as a LightBox gallery use the same alternative (alt) text for each of the attached images. With the normal {mosimage} tags, LightThumb will use the global settings as defined in the admin section. You can also pass image specific arguments via {mosimage arg1=value1&arg2=value2&...}, which will override the global LightThumb settings. The list of arguments can be any combination of:
Arguments Values Defaults Description
thumbs 0 or 1 1 Generate thumbnails for large images.
width size in px 150 Maximum width of thumbnail.
height size in px 150 Maximum height of thumbnail.
popups 0 or 1 1 Use javascript popups.
max 0 or 1 0 Stretch thumbnail to width and height (lose ratio).
cache 0 or 1 1 Cache and reuse generated thumbnails.
caption 0, 1, or 2 1 Caption control: disable, below, or above.
hide 0 or 1 0 Hide thumbnail for additional images in LightBox set.
A questo punto, credo di aver fatto tutto, ma se in anteprima le immagini si vedono, quando vado a pubblicare non si vede una mazza! Forse ho sbagliato qualcosa nell'inserimento del tag....?