Salve Ragazzi, ho un problema con un modulo. come da foto in allegato. ho avuto risposta che devo modificare il database.
[/size]mi date indicazioni piu precise sul da dare? grazie [/color][/size]
Notice that this is K2 database table issue. [/color][/size]You have to change the user ID, because it sees the old user ID. Update this tables to your user ID:UPDATE yourtablepreffix_k2_items SET created_by = your_user_ID WHERE created_by = old_user_IDUPDATE yourtablepreffix_k2_items SET modified_by = your_user_ID WHERE modified_by = old_user_IDyourtablepreffix_ = your table prefixyour_user_ID = your user ID old_user_ID = old user ID[/color]