salve a voi tutti e grazie per il tempo che dedicate a noi neofiti per risolvere le grane quotidiane.
vengo al problema.
ho creato un sito in locale con joomla 3.4.3 dove ho installato vari componenti, configurato e tutto quanto e funziona perfettamente.
quando l'ho spostato sul server e db messo a disposizione qui dove lavoro un componente mi da questo errore:
1140 Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause of the following query : SELECT COUNT(*), `_owner`.`id` AS `_owner_id`, `_owner`.`name` AS `_owner_name`, `_owner`.`username` AS `_owner_username`, `_owner`.`email` AS `_owner_email`, `_owner`.`params` AS `_owner_params`, `_owner`.`block` AS `_owner_block`, `_owner`.`activation` AS `_owner_activation`, `_owner`.`name` AS `locked_by_name`, `_author`.`id` AS `_author_id`, `_author`.`name` AS `_author_name`, `_author`.`username` AS `_author_username`, `_author`.`email` AS `_author_email`, `_author`.`params` AS `_author_params`, `_author`.`block` AS `_author_block`, `_author`.`activation` AS `_author_activation`, `_author`.`name` AS `created_by_name`, `_editor`.`id` AS `_editor_id`, `_editor`.`name` AS `_editor_name`, `_editor`.`username` AS `_editor_username`, `_editor`.`email` AS `_editor_email`, `_editor`.`params` AS `_editor_params`, `_editor`.`block` AS `_editor_block`, `_editor`.`activation` AS `_editor_activation`, `_editor`.`name` AS `modified_by_name` FROM `j25_do***n_documents` AS `tbl` LEFT JOIN `j25_do***n_categories` AS `c` ON (`tbl`.`do***n_category_id` = `c`.`do***n_category_id`) LEFT JOIN `j25_viewlevels` AS `viewlevel` ON ((CASE `tbl`.`access` WHEN -1 THEN COALESCE(`c`.`access`, 1) ELSE `tbl`.`access` END) = `viewlevel`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `j25_users` AS `_owner` ON (`tbl`.`locked_by` = `_owner`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `j25_users` AS `_author` ON (`tbl`.`created_by` = `_author`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `j25_users` AS `_editor` ON (`tbl`.`modified_by` = `_editor`.`id`)
ho cercato sul web ed ho trovato quello che credo sia il problema:
When using an aggregate function, such as COUNT, you need to include a GROUP BY clause.As far as why this worked locally, but not on your live server; MySql doesn't require complete listing of non-aggregate columns in the GROUP BY clause by default, but your live server probably has the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY option turned on.
il probelma è che non capisco dove dovrei andare a fare la suddetta ultimo chiaramente chiedere al gestore del db di fare lui la modifica comq scritto sopra.è capitato a qualcuno di voi?
spero di non aver infranto nessuna regola