salve a tutti
ho installato un form :JBG music
ho provato a fare come dice il manuale
ma sulla pagina dell articolo mi escono questi errori
jbgmusicStrict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in/web/htdocs/ on line 88Strict Standards: Non-static method modJBGMusicHelper::getJBGMusicParams() should not be called statically in/web/htdocs/ on line 92Strict Standards: Non-static method modJBGMusicHelper::cleanJBGMusicOldFiles() should not be called statically in/web/htdocs/ on line 109Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in/web/htdocs/ on line 18Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in/web/htdocs/ on line 18
e non si sente la musica
qualcuno mi sa aiutare?
grazie anticipatamente