Non fraintendetemi, ho capito che devo in qualche modo ricostruire il tutto partendo da un vecchio backup (che a questo punto potrebbe anche essere infetto visto che tutti gli antivirus mi danno tutto pulito, anche il sito attualmente online)
Vorrei solo tentare di capire qualcosina in più
Ho scansionato i files con JAMSS
Questo tool da una marea infinita di falsi positivi così come assicura anche il dev. Serve solo a dare indicazioni di massima su dove guardare.
Ho trovato diverse stringhe che indicano la presenza di shell (magari non vuol dire nulla)
Non so assolutamente che valore dare a queste stringhe, non fa purtroppo parte delle mie competenze.
Al massimo posso confrontare i file con una installazione pulita, magari in locale.
Comunque ne posto qualcuna qua, hai visto mai...
Pattern #23 - shell command execution from POST/GET variables --> found 1 occurence(s) in file ./libraries/vendor/joomla/input/src/Cli.php
Details: "Found direct shell command execution getting variables from POST/GET, which is highly dangerous security flaw or a part of malicious webrootkit"
Line #: 21... executable that was called to run the CLI script. * * @var string * @since 1.0 */ public $executable; /** * The additional arguments passed to the script that are not associated * w ... --> ./libraries/vendor/joomla/input/src/Cli.php is a file. It was last accessed: 2015-05-12T10:31:09+02:00, last changed: 2015-05-12T10:31:09+02:00, last modified: 2015-05-12T10:31:09+02:00.
File permissions:0755
Pattern #23 - shell command execution from POST/GET variables --> found 1 occurence(s) in file ./libraries/joomla/input/cli.php
Details: "Found direct shell command execution getting variables from POST/GET, which is highly dangerous security flaw or a part of malicious webrootkit"
Line #: 20... executable that was called to run the CLI script. * * @var string * @since 11.1 */ public $executable; /** * The additional arguments passed to the script that are not associated * ... --> ./libraries/joomla/input/cli.php is a file. It was last accessed: 2015-05-12T10:29:44+02:00, last changed: 2015-05-12T10:29:45+02:00, last modified: 2015-05-12T10:29:45+02:00.
File permissions:0755
Pattern #23 - shell command execution from POST/GET variables --> found 1 occurence(s) in file ./components/com_mailto/controller.php
Details: "Found direct shell command execution getting variables from POST/GET, which is highly dangerous security flaw or a part of malicious webrootkit"
Line #: 10... EXEC') or die; /** * Mailer Component Controller. * * @package Joomla.Site * @subpackage com_mailto * @since 1.5 */ class MailtoController extends JControllerLegacy { /** * Show t ... --> ./components/com_mailto/controller.php is a file. It was last accessed: 2015-05-12T10:19:21+02:00, last changed: 2015-12-15T11:30:44+01:00, last modified: 2015-12-15T11:30:44+01:00.
File permissions:0755
Pattern #23 - shell command execution from POST/GET variables --> found 1 occurence(s) in file ./administrator/components/com_sppagebuilder/views/ajax/view.raw.php
Details: "Found direct shell command execution getting variables from POST/GET, which is highly dangerous security flaw or a part of malicious webrootkit"
Line #: 9... EXEC') or die ('resticted aceess'); $template_name = $_POST['template']; $path = JPATH_COMPONENT.'/builder/templates/'.$template_name.'.json'; if (file_exists($path)) { require_once ( JPATH_COMPONEN ... --> ./administrator/components/com_sppagebuilder/views/ajax/view.raw.php is a file. It was last accessed: 2015-05-12T10:12:51+02:00, last changed: 2015-05-12T10:12:51+02:00, last modified: 2015-05-12T10:12:51+02:00.
File permissions:0755
Pattern #23 - shell command execution from POST/GET variables --> found 1 occurence(s) in file ./plugins/osmap/com_k2/com_k2.php
Details: "Found direct shell command execution getting variables from POST/GET, which is highly dangerous security flaw or a part of malicious webrootkit"
Line #: 27... EXEC') or die('Restricted access'); /** Adds support for K2 to OSMap */ class osmap_com_k2 { static $maxAccess = 0; static $suppressDups = false; static $suppressSub = false; /** Ge ... --> ./plugins/osmap/com_k2/com_k2.php is a file. It was last accessed: 2015-06-03T12:49:54+02:00, last changed: 2015-12-15T11:52:53+01:00, last modified: 2015-12-15T11:52:53+01:00.
File permissions:0644
Mannaggia la pupazza.