ciao a tutti
mi hanno dato queste indicazioni da implementare nel php.ini ma devo aspettare l'intenvento del gestore dell'hosting perché non ho l'accesso al file
How to fix the "Allowed memory size Error"
The php memory resource can be increased in the php.ini located in the
public_html. The following steps will explain how to set the php.ini to
allow a larger amount of memory use.
Login to your cPanel
Go to the File Manager.
Select the Web root (public_html/www) directory and click Go.
Find the php.ini file in the public_html.
Note! If you do not have a php.ini in your public_html files, you
can have our tech support staff restore the php.ini to your public_html
Open the php.ini with the code editor.
Find the following section in the php.ini file.
max_execution_time = 30
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 32M
Try increase the memory_limit value to 128M.
If the php memory_limit is already at 128M, you can increase it to
Save the changes.
You should have an htaccess.txt in the root of your directory. If it is
not already named .htaccess, go ahead and copy the file and rename it
.htaccess instead of htaccess.txt.
Then input the following inside the document:
php_value memory_limit 128M
Don't forget to clear your cache after making changes.