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Autore Topic: Perchè quando carico questo template si modifica?  (Letto 2118 volte)

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Perchè quando carico questo template si modifica?
« il: 25 Ago 2007, 19:58:58 »
salve, quando metto il template "camel" di quel sito si sballa qualcosa. In locale mi funzionava ma in remoto i caratteri diventano più grandi e cambia il colore di alcune parti..pechè?grazie mille in anticipo

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Re: Perchè quando carico questo template si modifica?
« Risposta #1 il: 26 Ago 2007, 00:54:42 »

Potrebbe essere un problema del foglio di stile del template.
Ho passato il file al W3C CSS Validator che mi ha restituito questi risultati:

(il primo valore è il numero di riga del file)
Errors (1)
2 html Property overflow-x doesn't exist : hidden

Warnings (75)
9  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .color_box and body
9  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #top_menue and body
9 body You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
18  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #header and .seitenueberschrift
18  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .inputbox and .seitenueberschrift
18  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #mod_login_password and .seitenueberschrift
18  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #mod_login_password and .seitenueberschrift
18  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .div_contentheading and .seitenueberschrift
18 .seitenueberschrift You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
25 #header You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
31 #top_menue You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
41  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .button and #footer
41 #footer You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
72 .div_contentheading You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
104  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #mod_login_password and .div_newsflash
104  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #mod_login_password and .div_newsflash
104  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .div_contentheading and .div_newsflash
104  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .inputbox and .div_newsflash
104  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #header and .div_newsflash
104 .div_newsflash You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
115  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #mod_login_password and .div_newsflash h3
115  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .inputbox and .div_newsflash h3
115  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #mod_login_password and .div_newsflash h3
115  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .div_contentheading and .div_newsflash h3
115  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #header and .div_newsflash h3
115 .div_newsflash h3 You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
137  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #top_menue and .mostread li a
137  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .color_box and .mostread li a
137  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .color_box and .mostread li a
137  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #top_menue and .mostread li a
137 .mostread li a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
137 .mostread li a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
176  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .inputbox and ul#mainlevel-nav li a
176  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #header and ul#mainlevel-nav li a
176  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #mod_login_password and ul#mainlevel-nav li a
176  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #mod_login_password and ul#mainlevel-nav li a
176  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .div_contentheading and ul#mainlevel-nav li a
176 ul#mainlevel-nav li a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
190  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .color_box and .blog_more a
190  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #top_menue and .blog_more a
190 .blog_more a You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
194  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #top_menue and .componentheading
194  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .color_box and .componentheading
194 .componentheading You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
200  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #top_menue and a.mainlevel:visited
200  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #top_menue and a.mainlevel:visited
200  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .color_box and a.mainlevel:visited
200  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .color_box and a.mainlevel:visited
200  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #top_menue and a.mainlevel:visited
200  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .color_box and a.mainlevel:visited
200 a.mainlevel:visited You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
200 a.mainlevel:visited You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
200 a.mainlevel:visited You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
209  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .color_box and a.sublevel:visited
209  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #top_menue and a.sublevel:visited
209  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #top_menue and a.sublevel:visited
209  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .color_box and a.sublevel:visited
209  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #top_menue and a.sublevel:visited
209  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .color_box and a.sublevel:visited
209 a.sublevel:visited You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
209 a.sublevel:visited You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
209 a.sublevel:visited You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
225 .small You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
228 .modifydate You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
228 .modifydate You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
264 .contenttoc th You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
276 .mosimage_caption You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
282 .sectiontableentry2 You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
285 .sectiontableentry1 You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.
325  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #mod_login_password and .color_box option
325  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #mod_login_password and .color_box option
325  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #header and .color_box option
325  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .div_contentheading and .color_box option
325  Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .inputbox and .color_box option
325 .color_box option You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.

Prova a modificarlo.
Un programma freeware per lavorare con i fogli di stile e che consente di controllare la validità della sintassi e la compatibilità con i diversi browser si chiama CSS Spy.

Ci sono più cose in cielo e in terra, Orazio, di quante ne sogni la tua filosofia.

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Re: Perchè quando carico questo template si modifica?
« Risposta #2 il: 26 Ago 2007, 13:03:57 »
grazie..adesso do un'okkiata


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