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Autore Topic: Joomla 3.9.x Area riservata accessibile con link dopo che l'utente è cancellato  (Letto 587 volte)

Offline giulio36

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Cari amici, ho inutilmente tentato di risolvere il problema con il blog USA. parecchie chiacchere ma poco esito. Vi riporto il problema scusate se in inglese:the scenario is as follows:
 1 joomla! v. 3.9.24
 2 I created a reserved area by means of the native login module published on the homepage, used a menulink set to hide
 3 I  set as reserved the relevants article,   the category (one) common to all the reserved articles, the hidden menu.
 4 - I created a few reserved users.
 Everything works fine with a big really big problem: suppose John requested to me id and pw credentials. I created hos account and sent securely to him his credentials. He enters and for couple of days looks at reserved articles. When looking at a specific articles, he records with copy and paste the navigation links that appears in the browser navigation banner (top left but also bottom left sometimes). After two days I close Johns account.
 Surprisingly if John paste the address on the browser navigation banner ( etc...) he has an immediate access to the article! 
 But there is more: anybody different by John, without any previous registration, if knows the link, is able to access the reserved article just by means of the above stated  link.
 I tried with different devices, even with an Android cell and in all the cases the article splendidly appears in all its beauty!
 Any idea to fix this problem? Wich kind of reserved area is this? I know that I could avoid hiding the resereved menulink letting it shows in the mainmenu just after the user logged in, but keeping it hidden allows a direct access of the user after login to the landing page of the reserved area.

Tutto è settato registered (menu, menulink, moduli, categorie, articoli). Ad ogni buon conto vi allego gli screenshot.potete verificare voi stessi con il link seguente: punta a una pagina test di prova, dentro l'area registered insieme ad altri 25 articoli.non so se qualcuno cortesemente vuole cimentarsi in questo caso complicato ... comunque grazie.
« Ultima modifica: 22 Feb 2021, 00:07:35 da giulio36 »

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Riproponi il quesito in italiano per cortesia.

ma no dai che fa più figo, le tecnical question sono più cool in english, se poi uno usa un pò il milanese con una erre leggermente moscia è il massimo!
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