ok, risolto!!!
Bisogna modificare, nel file "/administrator/components/com_sef/sef.class.php" attorno alla riga 1176, la funzione "shInsertIsoCodeInUrl" da così:
function shInsertIsoCodeInUrl($compName, $shLang = null) { // V 1.2.4.m
global $sefConfig, $mosConfig_lang;
$shLang = empty($shLang) ? $mosConfig_lang : $shLang; // V 1.2.4.q
if (empty($compName) || !$sefConfig->shInsertLanguageCode // if no compname or global param is off
|| !shIsMultilingual() // or no Joomfish, therefore just one lang
|| ( empty($GLOBALS['mosConfig_defaultLang']) // or Joomfish, but not yet initialised : this is
&& shIsMultilingual() ) // a 301 redir from non-sef to sef
|| ( !empty($GLOBALS['mosConfig_defaultLang']) // or Joomfish and Joomfish initialised
&& shGetDefaultlang() == $shLang) ) // but this is default language
return false;
$compName = str_replace('com_', '', $compName);
return !in_array($compName, $sefConfig->notInsertIsoCodeList);
a così:
function shInsertIsoCodeInUrl($compName, $shLang = null) { // V 1.2.4.m
global $sefConfig, $mosConfig_lang;
$shLang = empty($shLang) ? $mosConfig_lang : $shLang; // V 1.2.4.q
if (empty($compName) || !$sefConfig->shInsertLanguageCode // if no compname or global param is off
|| !shIsMultilingual() // or no Joomfish, therefore just one lang
|| ( empty($GLOBALS['mosConfig_defaultLang']) // or Joomfish, but not yet initialised : this is
&& shIsMultilingual() ) // a 301 redir from non-sef to sef
//RollsAppleTree has Cutted!!!
return false;
$compName = str_replace('com_', '', $compName);
return !in_array($compName, $sefConfig->notInsertIsoCodeList);