Salve a tutti.
Ho installato joomla 1.0.12 versione in inglese con V.M. compreso, ho avuto diversi problemi con il componente Contact Us ma ho risolto brillantemente.
Ma adesso che stavo per quasi ad aprire il sito al Pubblico per e-commerce ho avuto un problema ed da 2gg che non ci riesco ad risolvere.
Il mproblema consiste quando arrivo alla casso ed seleziono metodo di pagamento ed clicco su avanti mi da il seguente errore
Not Acceptable An appropriate representation of the requested resource ò could not be found on this server.con scritta anche apache port 80
ho pensato che si tratta di un errore del HTTPS poiche nel mio contratto non è prevvisto utl con, ho provato a mettere off
if ( @$_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off' ) {
che si trova nella cartella administrator/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php
Senza nessun risultato.
dono disperato, quancuno mi potrebbe aoutare.
da questte righe
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
* The configuration file for VirtueMart
* @package VirtueMart
* @subpackage core
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Soeren Eberhardt. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
global $mosConfig_absolute_path,$mosConfig_live_site;
if( !class_exists( 'jconfig' )) {
$global_lang = $GLOBALS['mosConfig_lang'];
@include( dirname( __FILE__ ).'/../../../configuration.php' );
$GLOBALS['mosConfig_lang'] = $mosConfig_lang = $global_lang;
// Check for trailing slash
if( $mosConfig_live_site[strlen( $mosConfig_live_site)-1] == '/' ) {
$app = '';
else {
$app = '/';
// these path and url definitions here are based on the mambo configuration
define( 'URL', $mosConfig_live_site.$app );
define( 'SECUREURL', '' );
if ( @$_SERVER['HTTP'] == 'on' ) {
define( 'IMAGEURL', SECUREURL .'components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/' );
} else {
define( 'IMAGEURL', URL .'components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/' );
define( 'COMPONENTURL', URL .'administrator/components/com_virtuemart/' );
define( 'ADMINPATH', $mosConfig_absolute_path.'/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/' );
define( 'CLASSPATH', ADMINPATH.'classes/' );
define( 'PAGEPATH', ADMINPATH.'html/' );
define( 'IMAGEPATH', $mosConfig_absolute_path.'/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/' );
define('PSHOP_IS_OFFLINE', '');
define('PSHOP_OFFLINE_MESSAGE', '<h2>Il Nostro Negozio adesso Disattivato per Manutenzione <BR> Our Shop is currently down for maintenance.</h2> Perfavore tornate a trovarci al più tardi <BR> Please check back again soon.');
define('USE_AS_CATALOGUE', '');
define('VM_TABLEPREFIX', 'vm');
define('VM_PRICE_ACCESS_LEVEL', 'Public Frontend');
define('VM_BROWSE_ORDERBY_FIELD', 'product_name');
define('VM_ONCHECKOUT_LEGALINFO_SHORTTEXT', '<h5>Returns Policy</h5>
You can cancel this order within two weeks after we have received it.
You can return new, unopened items from a cancelled order within 2 weeks after they have been
delivered to you. Items should be returned in their original packaging.
For more information on cancelling orders and returning items, see the <a href="%s" onclick="%s" target="_blank">Our Returns Policy</a> page.');
define('ENABLE_DOWNLOADS', '1');
define('DOWNLOAD_MAX', '3');
define('DOWNLOAD_EXPIRE', '432000');
define('DOWNLOADROOT', '/var/www/virtual/');
define('_SHOW_PRICES', '1');
define('ORDER_MAIL_HTML', '1');
define('HOMEPAGE', 'shop.index');
define('FLYPAGE', 'shop.flypage');
define('CATEGORY_TEMPLATE', 'browse_1');
define('PRODUCTS_PER_ROW', '1');
define('ERRORPAGE', 'shop.error');
define('NO_IMAGE', '/ps_image/noimage.gif');
define('SEARCH_ROWS', '30');
define('SEARCH_COLOR_1', '#f9f9f9');
define('SEARCH_COLOR_2', '#f0f0f0');
define('DEBUG', '');
define('SHOWVERSION', '1');
define('PSHOP_ADD_TO_CART_STYLE', 'add-to-cart_orange.gif');
define('TAX_VIRTUAL', '1');
define('TAX_MODE', '1');
define('PSHOP_ALLOW_REVIEWS', '1');
define('MUST_AGREE_TO_TOS', '1');
define('LEAVE_BANK_DATA', '1');
define('CAN_SELECT_STATES', '');
define('SHOW_CHECKOUT_BAR', '1');
define('CHECKOUT_STYLE', '3');
define('CHECK_STOCK', '1');
define('ENCODE_KEY', 'VirtueMart_IsCool');
define('NO_SHIPPING', '');
define('NO_SHIPTO', '1');
define('AFFILIATE_ENABLE', '1');
define('PSHOP_IMG_WIDTH', '90');
define('PSHOP_IMG_HEIGHT', '90');
define('PSHOP_COUPONS_ENABLE', '1');
define('PSHOP_SHOW_TOP_PAGENAV', '1');
/* OrderByFields */
$VM_BROWSE_ORDERBY_FIELDS = array( 'product_name','product_price','product_cdate' );
/* Shipping Methods Definition */
$PSHOP_SHIPPING_MODULES[0] = "standard_shipping";