Ho seguito i seguenti passi :
Versione Attuale:
DOCMan v1.3 RC2
Versione a cui upgradare: DOCMan v1.4 RC3
Upgrading from v1.3 RC1 or RC2
Before you can upgrade to DOCman 1.4, you need to make install a patch. This patch prevents the Joomla! uninstaller from deleting your data.
1. Download docman_patch_for_v1.3rc1.zip or docman_patch_for_v1.3rc2.zip
2. Unzip
3. Install the patch (see the included README for detailed instructions)
Rename these two files
admin.docman.php.patched -> admin.docman.php
docman.xml.patched -> docman.xml
- Use FTP to browse to /administrator/components/com_docman
- Overwrite both files
- Visit the DOCman backend, you should see this message:
"It is now safe to uninstall DOCman, no data will be lost. You are advised to
upgrade to the latest version."
- Uninstall DOCman
- Install the latest version of DOCman
4. Uninstall 1.3
5. Install 1.4
Ma riscontro il seguente problema durante l'installazione della nuova versione. [Utilizzo JCE come editor con i plugin per docman.... ]
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in D:\xampp\htdocs\MIOSITO\administrator\components\com_installer\installer.class.php on line 360