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Autore Topic: j 1.5.6 Errore IE - Impossibile Aprire il Sito Operazione Terminata [RISOLTO]  (Letto 3646 volte)

Offline cily

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Come da titolo...
ma che razza di errore è? con Firefox va ok... solo per il front-end da questo errore solo on IE per il lato admin back tutto ok...

ecco il sito

Grazie mille helping...
« Ultima modifica: 27 Ago 2008, 15:09:46 da cily »

Offline cily

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Error: internet explorer cannot open the website

Postby Motori on Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:51 am
This reffers to templates with tabels.

Whenever you put a module which uses java script the website returns error: "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site, Operation aborted". This happens only in Internet Explorer while the other browsers open the website without problems. I have googled a lot and i've find out that the problem is caused by the script and the be more precise, the problem is that the javascript codes interfere while parsing the page. There are several solutions for this, easiest is to move the script to the top or bottom of the body tag or even moving it after the body. The script can also be put inside a function and then calling it from window.onload. Another solution to this problem is to add defer=”defer” in the script tag.

For example, i had problems with the page_peel module on my website. I have just downloaded the mod_pagepeel_banner.php file, changed




and everything worked like a charm :)

i hope this will help someone.


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