Ho scaricato questo Mod...
http://www.joomlaya.com/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,65/func,fileinfo/filecatid,2085/parent,category/e mi dice di configuralo cos'...(in iglese)...che devo fare?

In order for mambo to check and see if its showing an article that can be commented on, you must make a small change to your template.
Edit your template file and look for the entry :
include_once("mainbody.php"); ?>
mosMainBody(); ?>
Change this to the following:
include_once("mainbody.php"); ?> <? include_once("components/com_comments/comments.php"); ?>
mosMainBody(); ?> <? include_once("components/com_comments/comments.php"); ?>
Thats it! ~ (I will not be answering emails along the line of "I"ve installed your component but the form doesn"t show....." :-)
Have Fun!
~Chanh Ong.