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Autore Topic: Banner e Kaspersky  (Letto 1500 volte)

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Banner e Kaspersky
« il: 13 Ott 2008, 14:51:00 »
Ciao Raga,

ho messo K. antivirus sul PC e ho notato che i banner del mio sito non si vedono più. K. ha una funzione "antibanner" che me li stoppa !!! Come faccio a crakkarla ? Nel senso come faccio a impostare i banner del mio sito in modo tale che K. non me li stoppi ? E' ovvio che so come fare sul mio PC , ma non posso passare tutti i PC del mondo con K. per impostare il mio sito come attendibile  ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Banner e Kaspersky
« Risposta #1 il: 14 Ott 2008, 08:33:05 »
Ho trovato questo . Pare funzionare. Ve lo giro : se uno ha lo stesso problema.......  ;)

Ok I have fixed the problem. It seems that my browsers (and anti virus software) don't like the banners folder and block any images from showing that are in that folder. Here's the solution for anyone else that is having the same problem.

Go to:


Open up the banner.php file (you should backup the file before editing just encase you stuff it up)

on line 162 (will vary depending on what code editing program you are using, i'm using Rapid CSS)

look for this:

// Imagelist
      $javascript         = 'onchange="changeDisplayImage();"';
      $directory         = '/images/banners';
      $lists['imageurl']   = JHTML::_('list.images',  'imageurl', $row->imageurl, $javascript, $directory );

and simply delete the /banners text. make sure you keep the ' and ; at the end of the code.

Your code should now look like this:

// Imagelist
      $javascript         = 'onchange="changeDisplayImage();"';
      $directory         = '/images';
      $lists['imageurl']   = JHTML::_('list.images',  'imageurl', $row->imageurl, $javascript, $directory );

Now make sure you save the file.

Now go to:


Open the helper.php file in your code editor

on line 84 change the 'images/banners/' code to 'images/'

your new code on line 84 should look like this:

$image    = '<img src="'.$baseurl.'images/'.$item->imageurl.'" alt="'.JText::_('Banner').'" />';

now go to line 115 and change the "images/banners" to "images/"

your new code om line 115 should look like this:

$imageurl = $baseurl."images/".$item->imageurl;

From now on when you want to add an image to a banner, upload the image file to the "images" folder, not the images/banners folder.

I haven't tried this out but in theory you should be able to rename the "banners" folder to something total unrelated like "freediver" (spam and add blockers wont black that word) then just change the code.


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