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Autore Topic: configurare files xml  (Letto 1332 volte)

Offline pyers

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configurare files xml
« il: 08 Nov 2008, 01:14:02 »
chiedevo se qualcuno mi  darebbe  una mano nella configurazione del seguente per inserire  una playlist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<mosinstall type="module" version="1.0.0">
   <name>Mp3 Player</name>
   <creationDate>03/04/06 (MM/DD/YY)</creationDate>
   <copyright>(C) 2006 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.</copyright>
   <license> GNU/GPL</license>
   <description><![CDATA[ Mp3FlashPlayer module. Script by <a href=''>[/url] and <a href=''>Pigment Webdesign[/url]

<h3>VersionCheck:</h3><a href='' target='_new'><h2>click here to check<h2>[/url] ]]></description>
   <filename module="mod_mp3player">mod_mp3player.php</filename>
      <param name="showdisplay" type="radio" default="yes" label="Show Display" description="Song display open on load">
         <option value="no">No</option>
         <option value="yes">Yes</option>
      <param name="showplaylist" type="radio" default="no" label="Show Playlist" description="Playlist display open on load">
         <option value="no">No</option>
         <option value="yes">Yes</option>
      <param name="autostart" type="radio" default="yes" label="Auto Start" description="Automatically start playing the first song in the playlist.">
         <option value="no">No</option>
         <option value="yes">Yes</option>
         <option value="random">Yes, random</option>
      <param name="playlistfile" size="40" type="text" default="cache/mp3playlist.xml" label="Playlist File (default: cache/mp3playlist.xml)" description="The file containing your XML playlist. The file cache/mp3playlist.xml is what you should use if you are using the playlist manager. The playlist must be on this server." />
      <param name="width" size="10" type="text" default="500" label="Width" description="The width of the mp3 player area." />
      <param name="height" size="10" type="text" default="400" label="Height" description="The height of the mp3 player area." />
      <param name="popup" type="radio" default="yes" label="Use Popup" description="if you choose Yes the player will start in an popup by clicking on an picture.">
         <option value="no">No</option>
         <option value="yes">Yes</option>
      <param name="imgurl" size="40" type="text" default="modules/play.jpg" label="Image URL of the Popupclickpicture" description="The Picture with is displayed to show the popup." />
      <param name="imgwidth" size="10" type="text" default="160" label="ImageWidth" description="The width of the Image for the popup." />
      <param name="imgheight" size="10" type="text" default="110" label="ImageHeight" description="The height of the Image for the popup." />
      <param name="moduleclass_sfx" type="text" default="" label="Module Class Suffix" description="A suffix to be applied to the css class of the module (table.moduletable), this allows individual module styling" />

Offline pyers

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Re: configurare files xml
« Risposta #1 il: 10 Nov 2008, 00:02:40 »
cavolo tutti disponibili ::) ::)


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