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Autore Topic: inserire onepixelout nei risultati di Custom Properties - HELP  (Letto 3311 volte)

Offline pinky69

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Buongiorno, premetto come sempre di essere a digiuno di codice. sto completando il sito
una library di file mp3
il mio problema è che nei risultati di una ricerca qualsiasi il componente Custom Properties  che fa cmq un ottimo lavoro non mi visualizza il player mp3 onepixelout ma ovviamente solo il codice della locaTion del file insommail plugin non si visualizza nei risultati... spero di essermi spiegato..
vi ringrazio già da ora

Offline pinky69

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Re:inserire onepixelout nei risultati di Custom Properties - HELP
« Risposta #1 il: 07 Ott 2009, 15:25:38 »
niente ...nessuno ha la pallida idea di come intervenire?

Offline pinky69

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Re:inserire onepixelout nei risultati di Custom Properties - HELP
« Risposta #2 il: 15 Ott 2009, 14:07:52 »
Faccio un ultimo tentativo...sul sito ora il componente è impostato per vedere solo il titolo del content, incollo il codice dove secondo le mie scarsissime conoscenze dovrebbe essere inserita la possibilità di vedere il plugin onepixelout....

* Custom Properties for Joomla! 1.5.x
* @package Custom Properties
* @subpackage Component
* @version 1.98
* @revision $Revision: 1.7 $
* @author Andrea Forghieri
* @copyright (C) Andrea Forghieri,
* @license GNU/GPL version 2

// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!
defined('_JEXEC') or die();

jimport( 'joomla.application.component.view' );

 * Search Result View
 * @package    Custom Properties
 * @subpackage Components
class CustompropertiesViewShow extends JView
       * Show matching records returned from search
       * @return void
      function display($tpl = null)
         $model         = $this->getModel('search');
         $params         = $model->getParams();
         $use_joomfish    = $params->get('use_joomfish');

         $tagId = JRequest::getInt('tagId') ;
         if($tagName = stripslashes(urldecode(JRequest::getVar('tagName')))){
            $tagId = getTagByName($tagName, $use_joomfish);

         $this->assignRef( 'data',      $model->getData($tagId));

         $errors = $model->getErrors();
         $this->assignRef( 'errors',         $errors);

         // search summary and pagination make sense only if there's something to show

            $this->assignRef( 'pagination',       $model->getPagination($tagId));

               $this->assignRef( 'result_summary', $model->getResultSummary($tagId));

         $this->assignRef( 'search_pars',   $model->getSearchPars($tagId));
         $this->assignRef( 'tagname',      $model->getTagName());
         $this->assignRef( 'ordering',      $model->_ordering);
         $this->assignRef( 'params',         $params);

* Method to show a formatted error
* @param   string   the error "code"
* @returns html formatted error
function searchError($error_message){

      case "no auth":
         return "<span class=\"info\">".JText::_('CP_ERR_NOAUTH')."</span>\n";
      case "no pars":
         return "<span class=\"info\">".JText::_('CP_ERR_NOPAR')."</span>\n";
      case "text short":
         return "<span class=\"info\">".JText::_('CP_ERR_TEXTSHORT')."</span>\n";
      case "no match":
         return "<span class=\"info\">".JText::_('CP_ERR_MATCH')."</span>\n";
      case "db error":
      default :
         return "<span class=\"alert\">".JText::_('CP_ERROR')."</span>\n";
/** This functions renders the elements of the search summary
 * @param integer $element_type 0= nothing, 1=keyword, 2=matching results, 3=tag, 4=ordering
 * @param array $list list for ordering elements
 * @param string $tagname name of the tag
 * @param string $keyword searched keyword
 * @param integer $total total number of matching results
 * @return string HTML formatted string with rendering of the element
function renderSearchSummaryElement($element_type, $searchword , $tagname, $total , $list ){

      case 1 :
         $result = JText::_( 'Search Keyword' ) .": " . ($searchword != "" ? "".htmlspecialchars($searchword)."" : "");
      case 2:
         $result = JText::sprintf( 'TOTALRESULTSFOUND', $total );
      case 3:
         $result = $tagname != "" ? JText::_('Tag').": <span class=\"cp_tag\">".htmlspecialchars($tagname)."</span>" :  "&nbsp;" ;
      case 4:
         $result = JText::_( 'Ordering' ) . $list;
      case 0 :
      default :
         $result = "";

   return $result;

 * Show Content Item Title
 * @param object $row Content Item row
 * @param object $params Component parameters
 * @return HTML HTML string with Article title rendered
function showTitle( $row, $params ){

  $show_section = $params->get('show_section');
      <div class="cp_title">
        <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_($row->href); ?>"><?php echo $row->title ?>[/url]
      <?php if ( $row->section  && $show_section ){ ?>
        <span class="cp_section">
          (<?php echo $row->section; ?>)
 * Function to show the intro of the article
 * @param object $row Content Item row
 * @param string $searchword searched word to be highlighted
 * @param object $params Component parameters
 * @return HTML HTML string with Article title rendered
function showIntro( $row, $searchword, $params ){

  $text_length = $params->get('text_length');
  $show_section = $params->get('show_section');
      <div class="cp_text">
        <?php if($searchword == ""){
            echo prepareContent($row->introtext.' '.$row->fulltext, $text_length) ;
            /* using same helper as mod_cpsearch */
            $helper_path = JPATH_ROOT.DS.'administrator'.DS.'components'.DS.'com_search'.DS.'helpers'.DS.'search.php';
            $text = SearchHelper::prepareSearchContent($row->introtext.' '.$row->fulltext, $text_length, $searchword);
            $text = eregi_replace( '('.$searchword.')', '<span class="highlight">\0</span>', $text );
            echo $text;
 * Function to render the result as full HTML intro
 * @param object $ce content element object
 * @param object $row Content Item row
 * @param string $searchword searched word to be highlighted
 * @param object $params Component parameters
 * @return HTML HTML string with Article title rendered
function showFullIntro( $ce, $row, $searchword, $params ){

   $allowed_tags    = $params->get('allowed_tags');
   $debug          = $params->get('debug');
   $img          = "";
   $img_div       = "";

   echo "<div class=\"cp_text\">\n";
   if($params->get('image_thumbnail') == 1 && $ce->images) {
      $thumb_width    = $params->get('thumb_width');
      $thumb_height    = $params->get('thumb_height');
      $aspect       = $params->get('keep_aspect');
      $quality       = $params->get('image_quality');

      $row =& stripImages($row, $ce->images_dir);
         $title = htmlspecialchars($row->title);
         $image = strtok($row->images,"|\r\n");
         $extra = "alt=\"$title\" title=\"$title\" class=\"cp_image\"";
         $img_div = "";
         if($img =  getThumb($image, $ce->images_dir, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $extra, $aspect, $quality, null, $debug) ){
            $img_div  = "<div class=\"cp_image\" style=\"width : ".$thumb_width."px; height : ".$thumb_height."px;\">";
            $img_div .= "<a href=\"" . $row->href . "\" alt=\"$title\">";
            $img_div .= $img;
            $img_div .= "[/url]";
            $img_div .= "</div>\n";

   $text = strip_tags($row->introtext, $allowed_tags );
   /* highlight searchword */
   if($searchword != ""){
      $text = eregi_replace( '('.$searchword.')', '<span class="highlight">\0</span>', $text );
   echo $img_div . $text;

   echo "</div>\n";

   // Plugin processing
   if ($plugins && ($where == 'section' || $where == 'category' || $where == 'content')) {

      * Process the prepare content plugins
      $plgparams       =& $mainframe->getParams('com_content');
      $dispatcher      =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
      $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array (& $row, & $plgparams, $limitstart));

   } else {
      $row->text = preg_replace('/{([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*)\s*(.*?)}/i','', $row->text);

/** returns the tagID given the tag name
* In order for this function to work corretly , the tag name must be
* made of fieldname:fieldvalue
* @param string $tagName tag name (fieldlabel:fieldlabel)
* @param boolean $use_joomfish use Joomafish compatible queries
* @return tagID or false id no meatching tg is found
function getTagByName($tagName, $use_joomfish = 0){

   global $mainframe;
   $database       = JFactory::getDBO();
   $user          = JFactory::getUser();
   $aid         = $user->get('aid', 0);
   $language       = $mainframe->getCfg('language');

   if(strpos($tagName,':') === false)
      return false;

   $theTag = split(':', $tagName);
   $fieldName = $database->getEscaped($theTag[0]);
   $fieldValue = $database->getEscaped($theTag[1]);
   if(strlen($fieldName) && strlen($fieldValue)){

          $query = "SELECT DISTINCT
             FROM #__custom_properties_fields AS f
            INNER JOIN #__custom_properties_values as v
             LEFT JOIN #__jf_content AS jfcf ON jfcf.reference_id =
             LEFT JOIN #__languages as jflf ON jfcf.language_id =
             LEFT JOIN #__jf_content AS jfcv ON jfcv.reference_id =
             LEFT JOIN #__languages as jflv ON jfcv.language_id =
             WHERE f.access <= '$aid'
             AND ( (jfcf.value = '$fieldName' AND jflf.code = '$language')
             OR f.label = '$fieldName'  )
             AND ( (jfcv.value = '$fieldValue' AND jflv.code = '$language')
             OR v.label = '$fieldValue' ) ";
         $query = "SELECT
            FROM #__custom_properties_fields AS f
            INNER JOIN #__custom_properties_values AS v
               ON ( = v.field_id )
               WHERE f.access <= '$aid'
               AND f.label = '$fieldName'
               AND v.label = '$fieldValue' ";

      if($result = $database->loadResult()){
         return $result;
   else {
      return false;

Offline papydeme2

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Re:inserire onepixelout nei risultati di Custom Properties - HELP
« Risposta #3 il: 30 Ott 2009, 02:50:15 »
Hello Pinky69,

I don't speak Italian but I guessed we had the same problem since I found your post.

If I understand well, you would like to use a plugin with Custom Properties...

I just managed to resolve the issue.

1) In Com_CustomProperties, there is a helper.php you need to modify line 188. You need to "comment" the preg_replace

   /* let's strip al mos tags
   $row->introtext= preg_replace("/{[^}]*}/","",$row->introtext);

2) In view.html.php, you need to add this just before line 232

        $text = JHTML::_('content.prepare', $text);
        echo $img_div . $text . $readon_text;

At least, it was enough for me. I didnt' have to invoke the plugin I needed to use

Good luck


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