« il: 30 Gen 2008, 16:12:02 »
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
* @version $Id: ps_perm.php 617 2007-01-04 19:43:08Z soeren_nb $
* @package VirtueMart
* @subpackage classes
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Soeren Eberhardt. All rights reserved.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
* http://virtuemart.net
* The permission handler class for VirtueMart.
class ps_perm {
// Can be easily extended
// Another permissions array must then
// be changed in ps_user.php!!
var $permissions = array(
"shopper" => "1",
"demo" => "2",
"storeadmin" => "4",
"admin" => "8"
* This function does the basic authentication
* for a user in the shop.
* It assigns permissions, the name, country, zip and
* the shopper group id with the user and the session.
* @return array Authentication information
function doAuthentication( $shopper_group ) {
global $my, $acl, $user, $_VERSION;
$db = new ps_DB;
$auth = array();
// Get the usertype property when not present
if( empty( $my->usertype ) ) {
if( empty( $my->id )) {
$gid = 29;
else {
$gid = $my->gid;
$fieldname = ($_VERSION->RELEASE >= 1.1 && $_VERSION->PRODUCT == 'Joomla!' ) ? 'id' : 'group_id';
$db->query( 'SELECT `name` FROM `#__core_acl_aro_groups` WHERE `'.$fieldname.'` ='.$gid );
$my->usertype = $db->f( 'name' );
// Is the user allowed to see the prices?
// this code will change when Joomla has a good ACL implementation
if( is_callable( array( $user, 'authorize'))) {
$auth['show_prices'] = $user->authorize( 'virtuemart', 'prices' );
else {
$auth['show_prices'] = $acl->acl_check( 'virtuemart', 'prices', 'users', strtolower($my->usertype), null, null );
else {
$auth['show_prices'] = 1;
if (!empty($my->id)) { // user has already logged in
$auth["user_id"] = $my->id;
$auth["username"] = $my->username;
if ($this->is_registered_customer($my->id)) {
$q = "SELECT perms,first_name,last_name,country,zip FROM #__{vm}_user_info WHERE user_id='".$my->id."'";
$auth["perms"] = $db->f("perms");
$auth["first_name"] = $db->f("first_name");
$auth["last_name"] = $db->f("last_name");
$auth["country"] = $db->f("country");
$auth["zip"] = $db->f("zip");
// Shopper is the default value
// We must prevent that Administrators or Managers are 'just' shoppers
if( $auth["perms"] == "shopper" ) {
if (stristr($my->usertype,"Administrator")) {
$auth["perms"] = "admin";
elseif (stristr($my->usertype,"Manager")) {
$auth["perms"] = "storeadmin";
$auth["shopper_group_id"] = $shopper_group["shopper_group_id"];
$auth["shopper_group_discount"] = $shopper_group["shopper_group_discount"];
$auth["show_price_including_tax"] = $shopper_group["show_price_including_tax"];
$auth["default_shopper_group"] = $shopper_group["default_shopper_group"];
$auth["is_registered_customer"] = true;
// user is no registered customer
else {
if (stristr($my->usertype,"Administrator")) {
$auth["perms"] = "admin";
elseif (stristr($my->usertype,"Manager")) {
$auth["perms"] = "storeadmin";
else {
$auth["perms"] = "shopper"; // DEFAULT
$auth["shopper_group_id"] = $shopper_group["default_shopper_group"];
$auth["shopper_group_discount"] = $shopper_group["shopper_group_discount"];
$auth["show_price_including_tax"] = $shopper_group["show_price_including_tax"];
$auth["default_shopper_group"] = 1;
$auth["is_registered_customer"] = false;
} // user is not logged in
else {
$auth["user_id"] = 0;
$auth["username"] = "demo";
$auth["perms"] = "";
$auth["first_name"] = "guest";
$auth["last_name"] = "";
$auth["shopper_group_id"] = $shopper_group["shopper_group_id"];
$auth["shopper_group_discount"] = $shopper_group["shopper_group_discount"];
$auth["show_price_including_tax"] = $shopper_group["show_price_including_tax"];
$auth["default_shopper_group"] = 1;
$auth["is_registered_customer"] = false;
// register $auth into SESSION
$_SESSION["auth"] = $auth;
return $auth;
* Validates the permission to do something.
* @param string $perms
* @return boolean Check successful or not
* @example $perm->check( 'admin', 'storeadmin' );
* returns true when the user is admin or storeadmin
function check($perms) {
$auth = $_SESSION["auth"];
// Parse all permissions in argument, comma separated
// It is assumed auth_user only has one group per user.
if ($perms == "none") {
return True;
else {
$p1 = explode(",", $auth['perms']);
$p2 = explode(",", $perms);
while (list($key1, $value1) = each($p1)) {
while (list($key2, $value2) = each($p2)) {
if ($value1 == $value2) {
return True;
return False;
* Checks if the user has higher permissions than $perm
* @param string $perm
* @return boolean
* @example $perm->hasHigherPerms( 'storeadmin' );
* returns true when user is admin
function hasHigherPerms( $perm ) {
$auth = $_SESSION["auth"];
if( $this->permissions[$perm] <= $this->permissions[$auth['perms']] ) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* lists the permission levels in a select box
* @author pablo
* @param string $name The name of the select element
* @param string $group_name The preselected key
function list_perms( $name, $group_name ) {
global $VM_LANG;
$auth = $_SESSION['auth'];
$db = new ps_DB;
// Get users current permission value
$dvalue = $this->permissions[$auth["perms"]];
echo "<select class=\"inputbox\" name=\"$name\">\n";
echo "<option value=\"0\">".$VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SELECT ."</option>\n";
while( list($key,$value) = each($this->permissions) ) {
// Display only those permission that this user can set
if ($value <= $dvalue)
if ($key == $group_name) {
echo "<option value=\"".$key."\" selected=\"selected\">$key</option>\n";
else {
echo "<option value=\"$key\">$key</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
** name: is_registered_customer()
** created by: soeren
** description: Validates if someone is registered customer.
** by checking if one has a billing address
** parameters: user_id
** returns: true if the user has a BT address
** false if the user has none
* Check if a user is registered in the shop (=customer)
* @param int $user_id
* @return boolean
function is_registered_customer($user_id) {
global $page, $func, $auth;
if( @is_bool( $auth["is_registered_customer"]) && ($page!="checkout.index" && strtolower($func)!="shopperupdate")) {
return $auth["is_registered_customer"];
else {
$db_check = new ps_DB;
$q = "SELECT #__users.id, #__{vm}_user_info.user_id from #__users, #__{vm}_user_info
WHERE #__users.id='" . $user_id . "' AND #__users.id=#__{vm}_user_info.user_id
AND #__{vm}_user_info.address_type='BT' AND #__{vm}_user_info.first_name != ''
AND #__{vm}_user_info.last_name != '' AND #__{vm}_user_info.city != ''";
// Query failed or not?
if ($db_check->num_rows() > 0) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function prepareACL() {
global $acl;
// The basic ACL integration in Mambo/Joomla is not awesome
$child_groups = ps_perm::getChildGroups( '#__core_acl_aro_groups', 'g1.group_id, g1.name, COUNT(g2.name) AS level', 'g1.name', null, VM_PRICE_ACCESS_LEVEL );
foreach( $child_groups as $child_group ) {
ps_perm::_addToGlobalACL( 'virtuemart', 'prices', 'users', $child_group->name, null, null );
$admin_groups = ps_perm::getChildGroups( '#__core_acl_aro_groups', 'g1.group_id, g1.name, COUNT(g2.name) AS level', 'g1.name', null, 'Public Backend' );
foreach( $admin_groups as $child_group ) {
ps_perm::_addToGlobalACL( 'virtuemart', 'prices', 'users', $child_group->name, null, null );
* Function from an old Mambo phpgacl integration function
* @deprecated (but necessary, sigh!)
* @static
* @param string $table
* @param string $fields
* @param string $groupby
* @param int $root_id
* @param string $root_name
* @param boolean $inclusive
* @return array
function getChildGroups( $table, $fields, $groupby=null, $root_id=null, $root_name=null, $inclusive=true ) {
global $database, $_VERSION;
$root = new stdClass();
$root->lft = 0;
$root->rgt = 0;
if( $_VERSION->PRODUCT == 'Joomla!' && $_VERSION->RELEASE >= 1.1 ) {
$fields = str_replace( 'group_id', 'id', $fields );
if ($root_id) {
} else if ($root_name) {
$database->setQuery( "SELECT `lft`, `rgt` FROM `$table` WHERE `name`='$root_name'" );
$database->loadObject( $root );
$where = '';
if ($root->lft+$root->rgt != 0) {
if ($inclusive) {
$where = "WHERE g1.lft BETWEEN $root->lft AND $root->rgt";
} else {
$where = "WHERE g1.lft BETWEEN $root->lft+1 AND $root->rgt-1";
$database->setQuery( "SELECT $fields"
. "\nFROM $table AS g1"
. "\nINNER JOIN $table AS g2 ON g1.lft BETWEEN g2.lft AND g2.rgt"
. "\n$where"
. ($groupby ? "\nGROUP BY $groupby" : "")
. "\nORDER BY g1.lft"
//echo $database->getQuery();
return $database->loadObjectList();
* This is a temporary function to allow 3PD's to add basic ACL checks for their
* modules and components. NOTE: this information will be compiled in the db
* in future versions
* @static
* @param unknown_type $aco_section_value
* @param unknown_type $aco_value
* @param unknown_type $aro_section_value
* @param unknown_type $aro_value
* @param unknown_type $axo_section_value
* @param unknown_type $axo_value
function _addToGlobalACL( $aco_section_value, $aco_value,
$aro_section_value, $aro_value, $axo_section_value=NULL, $axo_value=NULL ) {
global $acl;
$acl->acl[] = array( $aco_section_value, $aco_value, $aro_section_value, $aro_value, $axo_section_value, $axo_value );
$acl->acl_count = count( $acl->acl );
* Returns a tree with the children of the root group id
* @static
* @param int $root_id
* @param string $root_name
* @param boolean $inclusive
* @return unknown
function getGroupChildrenTree( $root_id=null, $root_name=null, $inclusive=true ) {
global $database, $_VERSION;
$tree = ps_perm::getChildGroups( '#__core_acl_aro_groups',
'g1.group_id, g1.name, COUNT(g2.name) AS level',
$root_id, $root_name, $inclusive );
// first pass get level limits
$n = count( $tree );
$min = $tree[0]->level;
$max = $tree[0]->level;
for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) {
$min = min( $min, $tree[$i]->level );
$max = max( $max, $tree[$i]->level );
$indents = array();
foreach (range( $min, $max ) as $i) {
$indents[$i] = ' ';
// correction for first indent
$indents[$min] = '';
$list = array();
for ($i=$n-1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$shim = '';
foreach (range( $min, $tree[$i]->level ) as $j) {
$shim .= $indents[$j];
if (@$indents[$tree[$i]->level+1] == '. ') {
$twist = ' ';
} else {
$twist = "- ";
if( $_VERSION->PRODUCT == 'Joomla!' && $_VERSION->RELEASE >= 1.1 ) {
$tree[$i]->group_id = $tree[$i]->id;
$list[$i] = mosHTML::makeOption( $tree[$i]->group_id, $shim.$twist.$tree[$i]->name );
if ($tree[$i]->level < @$tree[$i-1]->level) {
$indents[$tree[$i]->level+1] = '. ';
return $list;